About Us

PT. Sinar Surya Lestari (DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)

Welcome to the website of PT. Sinar Surya Lestari

PT. Sinar Surya Lestari as Agents, Distributors and Importers for Conveyor Belt, Packing and Gasket, Rubber, Insulation, Plastic Engineering and other accessories. We have experience of more than 16 years and has worked in several companies in the field of Industry, Mining, Power, Electrical, and Cement.

Our company is located at:

Address: Commercial Complex CJ Golden Ville No.88, Jalan Taman Daan Jakarta 11510
Phone: (021) 56968889, 56967566, 5671180, 5689173-74 (Hunting),
Fax: (021) 56957768-69
Emai: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.sinarsuryalestarigroup.com
Conveyor belt : www.sinarsuryalestari.com
Packing : www.sinarsuryalestari.co.id
Social Media : https://www.facebook.com/sinar.suryalestari/

Stores: Building Ground Floor Block HWI CKS No.14-15 Jakarta Glodok Jaya
Phone: (021) 6242324-6242325
Fax: (021) 62200054

Workshop I: Jl. Sukatani pillars 43 Desa Sumantri Cikarang Barat.
Phone: (021) 89113936

Workshop II: Housing PT.IPI Jl. Tanjung Udik Block Flora 9 Gunung Putri, Bogor, West Java
Phone: (021) 86862753

We are a company that is always increasing innovation, improving skills and coordination team, and make the company highly competitive nationwide.

Trying to be a competent partner in serving customers, solve problems and provide the best solution, as well as customer satisfaction oriented.

We Serve With full commitment and support by the motto is:

Discover our product range:

Product Brand "(Klinger, HI-LIFE, TOMBO, ROCKWOLL)"
Packing and Gasket: Spiral Wound Gasket With Material, Gland Packing with material.
Product of Plastic Engineering in sheet Round bar, Hollow, Tubing and Strip.
Insulation for Boiler or Steam, Industrial Rubber Products.
With the quality and the best price you can get.

1. a. Packing and Gasket
• klingerit: 1000, Universal, Oilit, 100 and 200 (Asbestos)
• klingersil: C-4500, C-4430, C-4400, C-4403 (Non-Asbestos)
• TOMBO: Asbestos / Non-Asbestos Gaskets, Gland Packing, Seal, Rubber
• HI-LIFE: Gasket, Gland Packing, Fiberglass, Ceramic Fiber, Carbon fiber

b. With Spiral Wound Gasket Material
• Hooper: SUS 304, SUS 316, Titanium, Nickel, Monel, Inconel
• Filler: Graphite, PTFE tape, Ceramic tape, Mica, Asbestos
• IOR: CS, SUS 304, SUS 316, Titanium, Nikbel, Monel, Inconel

c. Gland Packing with material:
• PTFE, Graphite, PTFE Asbestos, Aramid / Kevlar, Jute Fiber, Carbon Fiber, Gland Packing for high Temperature and high pressure

2. Product of Plastic Engineering in sheet, Round bar, Hollow, Tubing and Strip:
• Acrylic (Perspex®)
• Nylon (PA-PA6-POM-PVDF-McBlue / White
• PE (Polyethylene) HDPE - HMWPE - UHMW
• PTFE (Teflon)
• PVC (Poly Vinyl Copolimer)
• Novotex (Cloth Phenolic)
• Pertinax (Paper Phenolic)
• PU (Polyurethane)
• POM (Polyacetal)
• PP (Polypropylene)

3. Insulation for Steam Boiler or Tombo and Rock Wool Brand:
• Rock Wool Board, Blanket, Pipe, and Bulk
• Calcium Silicate, Soard and Pipe
• Glass Cloth Rope and tape
• Ceramic Fiber Blanket, Board, Cloth and Paper
• Glass Wool

4. Rubber Industrial Products:
• Rubber Sheet EPDM, Viton, NBR
• Rubber Gasket for Packing
• Rubber sheet for Pulley Lagging
• Rubber Sheet for Skirt & Scrapper
• Rubber Lining for Valve, Pipe, Fitting and Tank (for Chemical)


Komplek Ruko Golden Ville No 88 CJ JL.Taman Daan Mogot, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat Jakarta 11510 Jakarta Barat 11510
DKI Jakarta , Indonesia



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